Technology RadarTechnology Radar

How to use the Optibus Technology Radar


Technology is advancing rapidly, with new technologies and innovations constantly emerging.

It is essential for a development and technology company like Optibus to continually improve and keep track of the latest valuable innovations. It is important to actively seek out innovations and new technologies and periodically question established technologies and methods.

But, it is also important to wisely choose which technologies to use in our daily work and in the different projects we are carrying out. As we all know: There is no silver bullet.

What is the Optibus Technology Radar?

The Tech Radar provides an overview of different technologies, including languages, frameworks, tools, and patterns, as well as platforms, that we consider 'new or noteworthy.'

How should it be used

The radar serves as an overview of technologies that we believe everyone in the teams should be aware of at present.

Its goal is to guide and inspire daily work within the teams. Additionally, it aims to provide valuable information and a high-level perspective to enable decisions to be made with a deeper understanding of the subject matter, resulting in more informed and coordinated choices.

We categorize the items into four quadrants, and sometimes, when it's not entirely clear where an item belongs, we choose the best fit.

The quadrants are:

  • Languages & Frameworks:
    • In this category, we include development languages, as well as development frameworks.
  • Tools:
    • This section is dedicated to a wide range of software tools, from small utilities to more extensive software projects.
  • Methods & Patterns:
    • Patterns hold enduring significance, with many of them standing the test of time compared to some tools or frameworks. This category is where we provide information on methods and patterns related to development, continuous integration, testing, organization, architecture, and more.
  • Platforms & Operations:
    • In this quadrant, we group technologies related to the operation of software, infrastructure, and platform-related tools and services.